Happy Belated Valentine’s Day!

Happy Belated Valentine’s Day!

This past Valentine’s day, we did a dance to Juliet’s solo from Romeo and Juliet. I’ve written out the choreography for the first part of the dance. I hope it makes sense. Let me know if you have any questions. Enjoy!

Start croise, standing on left foot, right foot behind, in ‘B+’.
Count 1: Pique first arabesque on your right foot
Count 2: Tombe across on your left foot bringing your right foot to coupe back, arms to first position
Count 3: Step up to releve on your right foot sweeping your left leg back up to arabesque
Count 4: Balance back, arms to third, right arm high
Count 5: Soutenou turn to the right. Count 6: Plié right foot front.
AND: Passé releve with the right foot
Count 7: Close plié right foot back. AND: Passé releve the right foot
Count 8: Plié close front.

Counts 1-2: Tombe on your right foot, pas de bourre to fourth position
Count 3-4: Outside pirouette, land in fourth position right leg back.
Count 5: Transfer your weight forward to your left foot. Pivot turn on your left foot back and around to the right to end croise tendu front. You will be standing in the left foot, right foot tendu croise front.
Count 6: Lower the heel of right foot to fourth position.
Count 7: Inside pirouette to the right
Count 8: land left foot croise back.


Contact me at Scdoudna@gmail.com to get on my email list for up to date info on classes!


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